Already missed my deadline for last month. No excuse. Shabby shabby blogger… Okay. Time to write. The rules: I take 3 random words from…
also writing as Peter J Aldin
Already missed my deadline for last month. No excuse. Shabby shabby blogger… Okay. Time to write. The rules: I take 3 random words from…
What makes you pick up a book and consider it? The cover art? A friend’s recommendation? The title? Whatever it is, you probably pick it…
New “segment” … or thread perhaps. This ain’t television after all. I plan each month to complete a post where I take 3 random…
Someone recently asked me — not what I write, but what I write about. I didn’t have a ready answer. I think I mumbled…
Perhaps I should have called this post “Monsters, Murders and Magic Trees”, given the subject matter of my latest writings. It’s been a great 6…
It seems to me that the biggest block to us authors completing projects isn’t writer’s block or procrastination; it’s actually the time factor. As in…
I begin a new project. It’s a novel. I’ve had the idea for a year it feels like and I’ve been tinkering with outlines and…
Huzzah! I’m chuffed to announce the publication of my short story The Whipping Tree in Niteblade Fantasy and Horror Magazine #23. Visit the link…
When I was (much much) younger, I took some stage acting classes. I was never very good at it, but it taught me a lot.…
It’s been a great month… I’ve paused at Christmas to truly count my blessings for having a job, for having a wonderful family, for living…