In April, I nervously formatted and sent my submission for my sword-&-sorcery novel to a publishing house I love and respect and I was therefore doubly gleeful when I received an email in August stating: “We like it. Send the whole thing for us to read.”
A few days ago, I saw an email from them sitting in my inbox. To Open, or Not To Open, that was the question. Actually, it was just fear, so I Opened. As rejections go, I couldn’t have asked for a more empowering or encouraging one. Among other things, it said,
I’m actually gutted to be sending you this email because I really enjoyed your full, but we have taken on something that, while not the same plot, has very much the same style and characters. Hence they won’t be able to take yours forward any further, but rest assured that your book is very good and you should be submitting it elsewhere. I would definitely buy it!
Missed it by that much.
So. Crushing? Not really. Deflating? For about ten minutes. I really wanted this label to publish my novel. But the fact that a professional editor loved my work is one of the most validating moments of my life. (I don’t know what that says about me. Maybe I need to get out more??)
I’m now recrafting the thing to send elsewhere in hopes of a sale. And getting on with the other two novel projects I have on the hop. Such is the looooooong journey toward publication. Such is life in a writer’s world. Co slose, co slose and set yo far.
You’re going to sell that book, Pete. Keep plugging away!!
Thanks Kev. I believe it!