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100 FREE BOOKS + a Pete-Update

Hola, amigas and amigos

I have four things to catch you up on:

  • an opportunity to grab a HEAP of ebooks for nuthin’.
  • my feelings about these kinds of promotions and the future of my involvement with them
  • a quick bullet-point personal update
  • a proud ‘parent’ picture of our puppy Buddy…

Find those books here. It’s absolutely worth your time browsing these bewties on March 15th and 16th (also the 17th if you’re an Aussie or Kiwi where our timezones lag behind the US and UK ones). Out of these 100, I’ve read Broken Ascension by Dave Walsh, Warship by: Joshua Dalzelle, and part of Double Edged by Jessie Kwak. Solid writing and stories.

Now. My opinion on these kinds of free promotions. First up, I am fully behind this one. It’s an opportunity to discover new writers and books. And the authors involved are professionals who’ve been it at for years. That’s why I’ve let two of my novels be a part of it.

Here comes the however

However. This is the very last time I’ll be giving away a novel. From April onwards, even a discount on my Amazon books will become extremely rare.

For the first few years of my public author career, I accepted the need for the occasional 0.99 sale or giveaway. They were great for helping people sample my writing and join my readership.

But I’m no longer a ‘new author.’ I’m established. And it’s bloody tough to watch hundreds of books go off for nothing over a weekend (or for just a few cents each).

ALSO I’ve felt for a while that this kind of thing dishonours YOU; you who’ve supported my writing by paying full price in the past.

So, enough is enough. This is the last free promotion. And from now on, I’ll drop a book into a discount promotion once a year (May/June – as I’ve done the past couple of years). That way, I hope to extend my reader base and keep my writing business viable for me. But just that one sale annually will be all. And it’ll probably be the same book every time.

New books will come out at a reasonable price to both me and the buyer. And eventually, as costs of living continue soaring, my prices will creep up too.

I’m just putting that out there to be real with you. This is not my hobby; it’s my livelihood. And it’s time I levelled up.

Onto some other (funner) topics. Let’s make ’em fast and furious …

First, we’re planning a Kickstarter for some time in June-August. This’ll be for an epic fantasy standalone book. More news later.

Second, my upcoming convention appearances:

  • this weekend (Saturday only) at the Goulburn NSW Geeks Market
  • the April 6-7th SUPANOVA in Melbourne Australia

Thirdly, while it’s not official yet, later this year I’ll be announcing a 3-book publishing deal my writing buddy and I have secured with an awesome US publisher. (WOOT!)

That book cover contest you might have voted for me in: EXCLUSION ZONE came something like 16th out of 250+. (At one point we’d been 5th). Not too shabby. I super-appreciate your help in raising my profile along with that of my esteemed cover artist Alexandre Rito.

And that’s that. Thanks for wading through it 🙂

Hope you’re faring well and getting plenty of time to read.


10 month old Buddy at his most angelic…as he recharges before chewing up my wife’s shoes or stealing other dogs’ tennis balls at the park.

Published inNewsPersonal Ramblings

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