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Last Among Equals

For years, the nations of Ollaj and Kardalan have flourished under an uneasy peace.

But now, the Trell have come.  

And with the Trell, comes war…

This is exciting. A book that’s been 14 years in the making, benefited from polishing from highly respected authors and editors on its journey, features twists on some familiar tropes…

And it’s about to go live on Kickstarter. You can help bring it finally to life by backing at even the lowest of the campaign pledge levels.

Head here to sign up for updates so you’ll…

  • be notified when it’s live
  • get in early on the early bird perks and the limited edition merch
  • and receive loads of exclusive bonus content that won’t be in the eventual retail version.

(Otherwise you can preorder the basic version on Amazon ahead of its September launch date there).

Of all the books I’ve written, this is my wife’s favourite! So it must be good haha!

Sample chapter here to read ahead of launch.